The EuroPMP COST Action attended the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ Congress from 16-19 June 2019 at the ExCel Centre in London, UK. Core Committee member Dawn presented posters educating doctors about current best practice, what to look out for during surgeries, what to do if they spot signs of PMP, and who they can contact in their country to get help with diagnosis and treatment planning. Several hundred physicians stopped to learn a bit more about PMP and Dawn and handed out even more take-home flyers. The importance of creating good ties with the Ob/Gyn community cannot be understated. The people most likely to run across unexpected cases…
2019 Early Career Investigator Workshop – Registration Now Open
The Early Career Investigator’s Workshop, to be held in Cordoba, Spain on 4th October 2019, is now open for registration. Topics to be featured at the Workshop include the diagnosis of PMP, the EuroPMP COST Action, selected topics from PMP experimentation, and the surgical treatment of PMP. Included in the day’s activities will be a session dedicated to the work being undertaken by Early Career Investigators themselves, with posters and lightning talks being presented. The workshop is specifically targeted at younger researchers working in on projects related to pseudomyxoma peritonei and will be a comprehensive and interesting conference for any young researcher working with PMP. The programme for the Workshop…
EuroPMP Represented at Spain’s GECOP
The national meeting of GECOP (the Spanish group for peritoneal oncological surgery) was held in Murcia, Spain on 7th June 2019. GECOP was pleased to count Professor Norman Carr (UK) at their meeting. Prof Carr explained the importance of the EuroPMP project to the consolidation of the PSOGI consensus in pathology of PMP, as well as giving information about the EuroPMP Action itself. Dr Paul Sugarbaker, Dr Mohammad Alyami, Dr Olivia Sgarbura, and Dr Marcello Deraco were also in attendance at the meeting, discussing all the issues around peritoneal surface malignancies.
First Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission for 2019-20
09 April 2019 – A call has been released for the first STSM of the 2019-20 year. “Short-term scientific missions (STSM) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. These scientific missions may last up to six months in another COST Member/Cooperating Member or Near-Neighbour Country joining the Action. Their aim is to foster collaboration in excellent research infrastructures and share new techniques that may not be available in a participant’s home institution or laboratory. ” (– COST Association, 2019) If you wish to apply for the 1st 2019-20 EuroPMP STSM, please download this information…
First Call for Short-Term Scientific Mission for 2019-20
The first call for 2019-2020 Short-Term Scientific Missions has been released. More information can be found on the News page for the Action, located here. Short-term scientific missions (STSM) are exchange visits between researchers involved in a COST Action, allowing scientists to visit an institution or laboratory in another COST Member state. The deadline for the call is 30 April 2019, so act quickly!
EuroPMP Completes First STSM
The first Short-Term Scientific Mission participant for the EuroPMP project has completed their residential training at Oslo University Hospital’s Institute for Cancer Research. Researcher Antonio Romero Ruiz from the University of Córdoba (IMIBIC-University Of Córdoba, Spain) visited the Institute to learn how to work with mouse models of PMP. Antonio will take his new-found knowledge back to his lab to begin working on characterising the genomic profile of PMP, including working on the proteomic profile of the disease using SWATH technology. He will also be looking to use these new techniques to work on identifying physiological pathways (including splicing, oxidative stress and inflammatory marker pathways) involved in the disease process…
EuroPMP Meeting and Workshop – Oslo 2019
The EuroPMP COST Action Management Committee met on 10th February 2019 for their first official meeting since the kick-off of the Action in Brussels last year. The following day, the working Groups met to discuss how to move forward with the coordination of efforts around research and treatment of PMP across Europe. Immediately after the Working Group meeting, a workshop discussing basic science research into Pseudomyxoma peritonei was held for interested scientists and researchers. Topics included molecular targets in PMP, as well as current work being undertaken across Europe.