The results of Working Group Two’s hard work are out! Today, the publication of the agreed laboratory protocols for the preparation and use of blood and tissue samples in PMP research have been released. It is hoped that through the harmonisation of procedures used in labs working on PMP throughout Europe, it will be easier to create collaborative research projects, expanding the number of patient samples available for such research. Please download these approved protocols and try to integrate them into your current lab practices. LINK TO THE NEW PROTOCOLS
EuroPMP’s Final Meeting a Great Success
The final official meeting of the EuroPMP COST Action has been held in Riga, Latvia. Dr Andrejs Pcholkins hosted the event that was held at the Pullman Hotel in downtown Riga. Representatives from 14 European states attended the meeting which covered topics from diagnosis and treatment of PMP to the future of the EuroPMP COST Action network. On the programme were also several talks around the status of PMP treatment in the baltic states with colleagues from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia presenting the state of the art for their respective countries. The future of EuroPMP was also discussed with many interesting potential paths explored. More on the extension of the…
Announcement of the Final Meeting of the EuroPMP COST Action – Riga, Latvia – 26th January 2023
The final meeting of the EuroPMP COST Action is set for the 26th January 2023 in Riga, Latvia, and will be from 09:00 to 17:40. The meeting will look at many topics to do with PMP in Europe today, including educational elements to introduce PMP diagnosis and treatment to participants. Also featured will be a wrap-up of the work that EuroPMP has done over the past 4 years. We welcome both EuroPMP members and any interested parties to join us for this conference. Due to a very limited budget (this being only a half-year term), paid-for invitations to the meeting will be limited, with only one member from each country…
4th annual Nordic Peritoneal Oncology Group Meeting
EuroPMP members attended the 4th annual Nordic Peritoneal Oncology group meeting on March 9th, 2022 in Helsinki, Finland On Wednesday March 9th, the Nordic Peritoneal Oncology group was again able to organise a face-to-face meeting in Helsinki. Participants from peritoneal oncology centers in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland participated, many of whom are also members of the EuroPMP COST Action, including Dr Anna Lepistö, who hosted the meeting. The Helsinki team had put together a varied and interesting scientific program, focusing on the clinical and research activities from the past two years at the participating centers, including activities relating to PMP. Of particular interest regarding the clinical activities, EuroPMP members…
Solidarity with Ukraine
The recent outbreak of war in Ukraine has left us all understandably horrified. The distressing situation that our Ukrainian colleagues, their friends and family have been placed in has rightfully occupied our minds greatly since the beginning of this crisis. Following on from the statement by the Presidents of the European Commission, EuroPMP adds their name to the long roster of countries and organisations that stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We recognise that this situation is difficult and that our friends and colleagues may require some extra support at this time. EuroPMP stands ready to provide support to both Ukrainian and its neighbouring countries. We ask that our…
Upcoming talks
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, meetings of the EuroPMP COST Action have had to be postponed. In order to continue the work of the Action, and to help all our members get to know the work that other researchers are focusing on across Europe and around the world, EuroPMP will be offering short (~1 hour) lunchtime seminars on the Zoom platform once per month beginning in September. Links to join the meeting will be sent to members via email before the seminar date. All talks take place at 2pm on the stated date. The next talk will be on the 22nd October 2021, and will be presented by Dr Andreas…
Are you our new Virtual Network Support Manager?
COST has made it possible for us to appoint a Virtual Network Support manager to help us in delivering digital content to our participants. This new voluntary role will be in charge of creating a virtual network strategy, coordinating the calls for expression of interest for the new Virtual Mobility Grants, and for creating a report of virtual networking activity undertaken by EuroPMP as an Action. The person who takes on this role will be required to: Prepare and distribute a detailed virtual networking strategy for the entire Action Support planning, preparation for and execution of collaborative activities including online and/or blended meetings Support the selection of hosts for virtual…
The Effects of COVID-19 on PMP Services Around Europe
Around the world, the COVID-19 epidemic has been hitting our health care systems very hard. Intensive care units have been inundated with patients requiring careful, around-the-clock care. Physicians have been transferred from their normal duties to hastily set up critical care wards within their districts to try to treat the vast numbers of affected patients. Nurses have been sent out to test patients in temporary drive-up clinics, and biologists and lab workers have had their normal duties re-directed to include testing the enormous numbers of patient samples incoming daily from worried patients. We have heard much about the effects on primary care physicians and clinical specialists, but we have not…
PSOGI/EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines
A new consensus paper undertaking a complex and thorough investigation into current clinical practice has been released by an international group including many members of EuroPMP. As pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is such a rare disease, it is difficult to find large, randomised trials on which to base treatment decisions. Therefore, using the Delphi consensus model, the Peritoneal Surface Oncology Group International (PSOGI) Executive Committe, which includes may members of EuroPMP, have examined and recommended a new and current best practice for the diagnosis and treatment of PMP. The Delphi decision model was used in conjunction with a broad literature review to come to this agreement, which will now form a…
COST Advisory – COVID-19 Outbreak (updated)
Updated 22 April 2020 at 19:00 (Originally published on 2nd February 2020 at 11:23am) New Information The COST Association has now asked that all face-to-face meetings, STSMs and training schools be cancelled until at least the 30th of April. The use of videoconferencing and other means of communication are recommended. The COST notice may be viewed here. Previous Information The COST Association has released an advisory note about international travel in the context of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. COST has examined the advice of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and national governmental bodies, and has determined that, for the present, international travel does not need to be limited…