The final official meeting of the EuroPMP COST Action has been held in Riga, Latvia. Dr Andrejs Pcholkins hosted the event that was held at the Pullman Hotel in downtown Riga. Representatives from 14 European states attended the meeting which covered topics from diagnosis and treatment of PMP to the future of the EuroPMP COST Action network. On the programme were also several talks around the status of PMP treatment in the baltic states with colleagues from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia presenting the state of the art for their respective countries. The future of EuroPMP was also discussed with many interesting potential paths explored. More on the extension of the…
PMP Researchers Gather in Basingstoke
A EuroPMP conference bringing together researchers, physicians, surgeons, radiologists and pathologists was held in Basingstoke, United Kingdom on the 2nd September 2022. The themes covered during the conference were in harmony with the various working groups within EuroPMP, and many interesting talks were given. Before lunch, an update into the pathological classification of appendiceal neoplasia was given by Professor Norman Carr. Drs Andrew Thrower and Nehal Shah spoke about radiology and the proposal to create a new radiology atlas. As well, an update on PMP biobanking was given by Dr Annette Torgunrud, and Professor Sarah Ennis spoke on molecular genetics and functional genomics in PMP. Surgical technique talks were given…
Many Topics Covered at EuroPMP Conference
The EuroPMP COST Action held their annual MC meeting and a conference with all members invited today. It was our first “face to face” meeting since the COVID -19 pandemic began. Despite the airline strike, many people were able to attend, and good discussions ensued within the group throughout the day. The programme included many talks on a variety of topics, including pathology, radiology, clinical research, molecular genetics, and reports from various working groups who have been working to achieve the goals of the Action. Also joining us at the conference this year were representatives of the patients, including a PMP survivor (BE), and Susan Oliver (UK) from Pseudomyxoma Survivor,…
Upcoming MC Meeting and Conference
The next EuroPMP Conference is set for the 23rd June 2022 at Zebrastraat, Ghent, Belgium from 09:45 to 17:30. Many different speakers will be presenting topics touching all areas of research and clinical knowledge around PMP. We welcome both EuroPMP members and any interested parties to join us for this conference. Members of the Action will be able to attend free of charge. Since non-members of the Action are not covered under our funding, we will be asking a small fee of €50 for each non-member participant to cover associated costs, coffee and snacks, as well as lunch. A Management Committee network dinner will be held after the meeting. Non-members…
Upcoming talks
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, meetings of the EuroPMP COST Action have had to be postponed. In order to continue the work of the Action, and to help all our members get to know the work that other researchers are focusing on across Europe and around the world, EuroPMP will be offering short (~1 hour) lunchtime seminars on the Zoom platform once per month beginning in September. Links to join the meeting will be sent to members via email before the seminar date. All talks take place at 2pm on the stated date. The next talk will be on the 22nd October 2021, and will be presented by Dr Andreas…
Proceedings of the EuroPMP Pathology Workshop
Held the 10th December 2020 Chair: Professor Norman Carr Panel members: Drs Robert Bradley, Søren Krag, and Melissa Taggart. Presenters: Drs Peggy Dartigues, Marie-Louise (Loes) van Velthuysen, Wiebke Solass, Frédéric Bibeau, and Bipasha Chakrabarty.
Workshop on the Pathology of PMP – 10th December 2020
EuroPMP will present a workshop on the pathology of PMP on 10th December 2020. The proceedings of the workshop will be available to view online following the workshop. The workshop is being presented by Dr Norman Carr and will run from 17:00-18:45 GMT (18:00-19:45 CET). Please check your email for more information. Before the meeting, you may wish to read more about the pathology of PMP to get acquainted with the terminology and histology of the disease. Dr Carr has prepared a short primer on the topic, which you can access at this link. The programme for the workshop can be accessed here. To view a recording of the workshop,…
Rescheduling of the PMP Workshop
Save the date! In light of the continuing issues around the COVID-19 pandemic, it has not been possible to reschedule the Pathology Workshop for the near future. Therefore, the Core Committee has proposed a new date of the 10-11th December 2020 for the PMP Pathology Workshop in Basingstoke. As before, the Core Committee will send information to all EuroPMP members closer to the date. If the COVID-19 pandemic has not resolved by this time, the Core Committee may need to reschedule to an even later date. We remain hopeful, however, that the medical emergency will have subsided by December, and so we ask all pathology-interested members to block the time…
COST Annual General Meeting and Pathology Workshop
The annual Management Committee and Working Group meeting of the EuroPMP COST Action will take place on the 13th March 2020 in Basingstoke, U.K. A pathology workshop will be held the day before the AGM (12th March), looking into the most recent advances in the field of PMP pathology with speakers from around the world set to take the podium. A draft programme is available here. The meeting and the associated workshop will be held at the Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, Basingstoke, U.K. The registration form may be accessed here.
Places Still Available for the ECI Workshop!
The Early Career Investigator PMP Workshop in Cordoba is only a few weeks away, but we still have available places to attend the event. If you are interested in attending the workshop, you can click this link to sign up. The programme can be viewed here. See you there!