Many Topics Covered at EuroPMP Conference

The EuroPMP COST Action held their annual MC meeting and a conference with all members invited today. It was our first “face to face” meeting since the COVID -19 pandemic began. Despite the airline strike, many people were able to attend, and good discussions ensued within the group throughout the day.

The EuroPMP MC Members, June 2022: Alvaro Arjona Sanchez, Faheez Mohamed (Vice-Chair, Kjersti Flatmark (Chair), Sarah Cosyns, Andreas Brandl, Annette Torgunrud, Peter Cashin, Marcel Leppee, Emel Canbay, Edina Lazovic Salcin.
Desiré Trupia Viola (IT)

The programme included many talks on a variety of topics, including pathology, radiology, clinical research, molecular genetics, and reports from various working groups who have been working to achieve the goals of the Action.

Susan Oliver (UK, Pseudomyxoma Survivor)

Also joining us at the conference this year were representatives of the patients, including a PMP survivor (BE), and Susan Oliver (UK) from Pseudomyxoma Survivor, both of whom gave inspiring and insightful talks to all assembled.

Early Career Investigators had been invited to submit abstracts to win one of three spots to present their research, and Desiré Trupia Viola (IT), Luca Varinelli (IT) and Enda Hannan (IE) joined the group to present their work.

Luca Varinelli (IT)

Much discussion was had about the upcoming Delphi process, presented by Andreas Brandl (PT). We look forward to launching that very soon.

Enda Hannan (IE)

The Core Committee would like to thank all the speakers who came or sent through presentations, including: Annette Torgunrud (NO), Emel Canbay (TR), Marcello Deraco (IT), Pirjo Nummela (FI), Alvaro Arjona Sanchez (ES), Norman Carr (UK), Andrew Thrower (UK), Laurent Villeneuve (FR), vice-Chair Faheez Mohamed (UK) and Chair Kjersti Flatmark (NO), as well as all the speakers noted above.


We look forward to seeing everyone in January in Latvia for our final official EuroPMP meeting.