EuroPMP Attends RCOG 2019

The EuroPMP COST Action attended the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ Congress from 16-19 June 2019 at the ExCel Centre in London, UK. Core Committee member Dawn presented posters educating doctors about current best practice, what to look out for during surgeries, what to do if they spot signs of PMP, and who they can contact in their country to get help with diagnosis and treatment planning. Several hundred physicians stopped to learn a bit more about PMP and Dawn and handed out even more take-home flyers.

The importance of creating good ties with the Ob/Gyn community cannot be understated. The people most likely to run across unexpected cases of PMP are surgeons dealing with suspected ovarian tumours. A simple check of the appendix when mucin is unexpectedly found in the abdomen could mean the difference between early recognition and treatment and late-stage diagnosis. For this reason, one of the objectives of the EuroPMP COST Action is to create effective ties to the Ob/Gyn community, allowing open discussion surrounding PMP. It is hoped that by educating primary and specialist physicians and surgeons, diagnosis of PMP will be made earlier and patients referred to a specialist treatment center, allowing even more patients to be  cured of the disease.